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Israeli occupation continues its restrictions on Huwara town

The occupation forces continue their siege on the town of Hawara, south of Nablus, in the northern West Bank, and impose strict measures on the town.

The director of public relations in the municipality of Hawara, Rana Abu Haniyeh, said that the town of Hawara is witnessing a suffocating siege by the occupation forces, who turned it into a military barracks.

Abu Haniyeh stated that the occupation placed an iron gate in the middle of the town, separating the town from the main street.

She explained that the settlers are constantly provoking the citizens, and the town is not experiencing the atmosphere of the holy month of Ramadan due to the daily settler attacks.

She pointed out that the occupation forces deliberately close shops two hours before breakfast, at the height of the shops’ economic activity.

It added that the settlers burned more than 50 cars in the town, in addition to burning roofs of cars and houses.

During the past few days, the town of Hawara witnessed attacks by the occupation and its settlers against the town’s residents, as a result of which 6 Palestinian citizens were wounded by the Israeli occupation’s bullets and gas.

Dozens of settlers stormed the town of Huwwara at breakfast time, attacked citizens’ homes and set fire to a number of vehicles, which led to confrontations as the residents confronted the settlers’ attacks and the occupation forces.

The leader of the Hamas movement, Abdel Hakim Hanini, has previously confirmed that the successive Zionist crimes targeting the town of Hawara will not succeed in breaking its strength, intimidating its people, or displacing its residents, stressing that it is unbreakable and immutable as the mountains of Nablus.

Hanini stressed that continuing the siege of the town and the continuous settler attacks on it, the latest of which was the attack on some homes yesterday and the burning of some vehicles in them, are crimes that require the response of the resistance on the one hand, and the need to protect the town and support its people on the other hand.

He stressed that these crimes will not discourage the revolutionaries of our people and our heroic resistance fighters from continuing the resistance and targeting the enemy forces and herds of criminal settlers in all regions, but rather will be fuel for more heroic operations that avenge the blood of the martyrs and bridle the settlers and their leaders.

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