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General strike in the occupied territories in response to the crime of executing martyr Al-Osaibi

The Arab towns witnessed a general and comprehensive strike, today, Sunday, in compliance with the decision of the Higher Follow-up Committee for the Arab Masses, which it took in its emergency meeting that it held, yesterday afternoon, Saturday, in the village of Hura in the Negev, “in response to the crime of assassinating the martyr, Doctor Muhammad Khaled Al-Osaibi, by soldiers.” The occupation before dawn today, Saturday, at the gates of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The strike included the Arab local authorities, the Arab education system, shops and all other facilities.

The committee called for the organization of struggle vigils in various Arab towns in response to the crime, as vigils were organized in a number of Arab towns yesterday evening, Saturday, and other vigils will be organized this Sunday evening.

And the follow-up decided to turn the funeral of the martyr, today, Sunday, in his hometown of Hura, into a mass demonstration, against “all policies of occupation, oppression and racial discrimination.”

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