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Release of prisoner Ahmed Jalamneh from Jenin after 20 years of imprisonment

Israeli occupation authorities released on Thursday evening the prisoner, Ahmed Muhammad Hassan Jalamneh, from the city of Jenin, after he spent 20 years in the occupation prisons.

The ex-detainee, Jalamneh, told Wafa that the Fatah prisoners in the occupation prisons affirm their support for President Mahmoud Abbas, who stands firm on the constants and opposes all conspiracies targeting our national project.

He added that the prisoners call on our people and institutions to stand by them and continue activities in support of the family in light of the harsh conditions they live in as a result of the occupation policies, especially the deliberate medical neglect.

He said that the prisoners’ message to our people is to unite and close ranks, as it is the only way and the most powerful weapon for our people in confronting the occupation and its crimes against our people.

The occupation authorities released the prisoner, Jalamneh, through Al-Dhahiriya checkpoint in Hebron, from Al-Naqab prison.

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