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Oslo announces ban on importing goods and services of companies contribute to settlements

The Norwegian capital, Oslo, announced a ban on importing goods and services of companies that contribute directly or indirectly to the settlements, as they constitute a flagrant violation of international law.

The Palestinian National Committee to Boycott Israel, the broadest coalition in Palestinian society that leads the BDS movement, welcomed in a statement issued today, Tuesday, the Oslo Declaration, and saluted “Norwegian solidarity groups, unions and parties, who worked hard to reach this declaration.”

She pointed out that the Oslo decision “followed the decision of the Mayor of Barcelona to freeze relations with the Israeli colonial and apartheid regime.”

The municipal council of the Spanish city of Barcelona had approved a proposal submitted by left-wing parties and the city’s mayor, Ada Colao, to cancel the twinning agreement with the municipality of Tel Aviv.

The Palestinian National Committee to Boycott Israel called on all cities around the world to join Oslo and Barcelona, and to sever their relations with the Israeli occupation, to stand in the face of global complicity with its crimes, and in support of the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice and equality.

In June 2022, the Norwegian government declared that the “Israel” label of origin is only appropriate for products coming from territories under Israeli control prior to June 4, 1967.

Oslo stated that “foodstuffs coming from the territories occupied by Israel must be marked with the area from which the product comes and (indicating) that it is from an Israeli settlement, if that is its source.”

The Norwegian government said the measure would apply to the occupied territories in the Golan Heights and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

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