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Blind prisoner Ezz El-Din Amarneh continues his hunger strike for the ninth day in a row

The blind prisoner, Majd Amarneh (51 years old), from the town of Ya`bad / Jenin, known as Sheikh Ezzedine Amarneh, continues his hunger strike for the ninth day in a row, in refusal of his administrative detention.

The Prisoner Club said that the detainee Amarneh, in addition to being blind, suffers from several health problems, and he needs permanent health care and follow-up, and with the passage of time since the strike, the risks to his life increase.

The Prisoner Club stated that the strike of the detainee, Amarneh, comes in light of the continuous increase in the number of administrative detainees in the Israeli occupation prisons, as their number exceeded 1,000, and this percentage is the highest since 2003.

It pointed out that the occupation forces arrested him on February 21, 2022, and three administrative detention orders have been issued against him since then. Nine years, most of which are under administrative detention.

The detainee, Amarneh, is married and the father of five sons and daughters. His two sons, Ahmed and Mujahid, are detained in the occupation prisons alongside him. His son Ahmed is an administrative detainee, while his son Mujahid is serving a 24-month prison sentence.

The Prisoner Club held the occupation fully responsible for his life, and called on the competent authorities at all levels to intervene in order to end his arbitrary administrative detention and release him.

The Prisoner Club reviewed the most prominent data on the crime of administrative detention until mid-April.

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