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President of Arab Parliament affirms the firm and permanent support for Palestinian cause

The Speaker of the Arab Parliament, Adel Al-Assoumi, affirmed the firm and permanent support for the Palestinian cause, as it is the central and first Arab cause.

This came in his speech before the closing plenary session of the Arab Parliament of the third session of the third legislative term, which was held today, Saturday, at the headquarters of the League of Arab States in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, with the participation of the State of Palestine and representatives of Arab parliaments.

Al-Asoumi also condemned “the provocative practices of the Israeli occupation, especially with regard to completing its settlement plans and attempts to Judaize the occupied city of Jerusalem, its demolition of homes and its repeated attacks against civilians.”

He stressed that all these practices represent a blatant challenge to the international community, which must assume its political, legal and moral responsibilities to stop these violations, provide international protection for the Palestinian people, and enable them to enjoy their legitimate rights, foremost of which is the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

In his speech, the Speaker of the Arab Parliament praised the outcomes of the Arab summit, which was held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, under the slogan “Renewal and Change”, considering that it constituted an important turning point in strengthening the process of joint Arab action.

He also appreciated the unremitting efforts made by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to provide all success factors for the summit, under the wise leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz, and the efforts of Prince Muhammad bin Salman Al Saud, in order to enhance Arab cooperation.

He expressed his full confidence that the Kingdom of Bahrain’s hosting of the upcoming Arab summit will make it an exceptional and qualitative event in supporting and developing mechanisms for joint Arab action.

Kayed Al-Ghoul, a member of the Political Bureau of the Popular Front, a member of the National Council, Mona Al-Khalili, and a member of the Central Committee of the Democratic Front, Saleh Nasser, also attended the session.

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