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Settlers set fire to lands in Husan, west of Bethlehem

Israeli settlers set fire on Friday’s evening to lands in the village of Husan, west of Bethlehem.

The director of the Husan Village Council, Rami Hamamreh, stated that settlers set fire to the lands of the Qadis area located in the middle of the “Beitar Illit” settlement, which is located on the lands of the citizens, which led to the burning of dozens of olive trees, in addition to the injury of two young men who suffocated while trying to put out the fire and were taken to the hospital.

Hamamreh added that the settlers tried to prevent the citizens from putting out the fire, by assaulting them.

It is noteworthy that settlers have recently escalated their repeated attacks against citizens and their property in Husan, by leveling land and uprooting trees.

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