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Diplomats visit Jenin refugee camp, inspect destruction caused in two days of Israeli military assault

A diplomatic delegation representing 30 countries today visited Jenin refugee camp at the invitation of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, UNRWA, which is in charge of the Palestinian refugee camps, to get a first-hand look at the destruction caused by two-days of Israeli military assault earlier last week that left 12 Palestinians dead, including four children, more than 140 wounded, and heavy destruction to homes, properties and infrastructure.

The European Union Representative, Sven Kuhn von Burgsdorff, described the situation in the camp as “painful,” adding that what happened in the camp was a violation of international law.

He called for pressure on Israel to resolve the conflict, otherwise, he said, stopping the violence will be impossible.

He said Israel to refrain directly and clearly from any action that harms civilians and has consequences for them, to respect international law during any military operation, to publicly investigate any event of abuse by settlers, and to hold accountable those who carry out the attack.

He said that the aim of the visit is to show solidarity with the civilian population in the camp, which must be protected under all circumstances, especially children and families, to see the damage that has occurred, and to submit reports to their capitals on what happened in Jenin.

Oliver Owcza, the German Representative in Ramallah, who was among the visiting delegation, said that while there was an evident need for humanitarian and reconstruction aid, a political perspective remains needed.

Päivi Peltokoski, Head of Finland’s Representative Office in Ramallah, wrote after visiting the camp: “Visiting Jenin refugee camp with UNRWA after the military operation conducted by Israel. Need for urgent reconstruction as well as humanitarian and psychosocial assistance. 13 young men between 16-23 years killed. Many families lost homes. Water and electricity cut.”

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