Site icon AlKofiya

Who Are We?

We are AlKofiya from Gaza — a team of competent, motivated & committed people of all ages and genders, eager to deliver the Palestinian narrative. Our aim is to unify two million Palestinian voices into one; to reach out to the outside world and raise awareness about the Palestinian Cause — our cause, our struggles, pain, past, futures, and indeed our triumphs in the face of adversity

Our Message

We call out to other progressive voices around the globe and international organizations, groups, and bodies striving equally for peace — peace for all peoples.

Our Mission

Every Palestinian has their own story to tell, and their own way of telling it: whether through poetry, painting, or performance art — whichever medium they prefer, we will accommodate it.. and pass it on, because we want the whole world to hear it. We want to make new connections with those who support us in the struggle for our right to self-determination, our Right of Return, and importantly, our human rights — all of which have been stolen from us, along with our land, our homes, our heritage and our freedom to grow as a people. We work to hone the skills of other creative Palestinians; to free their buried talents. Together, we will remind our readers that Palestinians are human beings, waiting to amaze the world with their abilities — we are AlKofiya and waiting to return.

Our Rules

All members of this organization are vehemently opposed to all forms of prejudice and racism and any form of discrimination on the basis of ability, gender persuasion, religion, race, or skin color.

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