The Arab Parliamentary Union condemned the Israeli occupation forces’ storming of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, removing the worshipers from inside by force, and assaulting them, injuring them and suffocating them.
The Union said in a statement, “With the exacerbation of the arrogance and arrogance of the Israeli occupation authorities and extremist settlers, and their violation of Islamic and Christian sanctities and sanctities throughout Arab Palestine, and their repeated attacks on the sanctity of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and worshipers, men and women, the latest of which was the desecration of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the violation of the sanctity of the holy month of Ramadan. Without the slightest regard for moral, religious and human values, at dawn on Wednesday, which resulted in the serious injury of dozens of worshipers and pilgrims, the Israeli occupation continues its arrest of a large number of them. So, the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union condemns and denounces in the strongest terms this blatant attack and flagrant violation of international resolutions and covenants, not to mention its willful disregard for the power of The Palestinian people, their determination and legendary steadfastness on the land of their fathers and grandfathers.
It stressed that “Israel’s barbaric practices are a heinous crime against Arabs and Muslims, and all that is meant by human values and principles, which have been endorsed by the international community and all the peoples of the world.”
It held “the Israeli occupation forces and everyone who tightens their hands responsible for igniting a fire whose flames will affect the entire Arab region and its people of all political and religious persuasions,” stressing that “the repetition of these attacks and crimes would fuel hatred and hatred, religious conflict and extremism and everything that violates human dignity and rights.” To live in security, peace, freedom and dignity.”
The Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union expressed its position of solidarity and support for the rights of the brotherly Palestinian people, its legal and legitimate struggle to preserve its national identity, and its constant endeavor to end the occupation and reach a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian cause.
It renewed the call on the United Nations and regional and international parliamentary unions to take concrete and effective steps to provide protection for the Palestinian people and to immediately stop these provocative and repeated violations, and to ensure respect for the sanctity of holy places, and the freedom to practice religious rites and rituals for all sects and religions, and to establish an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, with Jerusalem as its capital.