The EU strongly condemned the comments by Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir on the freedom of movement of Arabs in the occupied West Bank.
The EU, in a statement, recalled that relations between Israel and the EU shall be based on respect for human rights and democratic principles. “All human beings are equal and should be treated the same way. In this context, the values of democracy and respect for human rights stand central to the EU-Israel partnership, including as regards the people living under occupation in the Palestinian territory.”
The EU recalled that settlements are illegal under international law, constitute an obstacle to peace, and threaten to make a two-state solution impossible.
The EU reiterated its strong opposition to Israel’s settlement policy and actions taken in this context. This includes restrictions on movement and access.
EU called on Israel to allow for a tangible improvement of freedom of movement and access for the Palestinians, to enable accelerated Palestinian construction, as well as social and economic development in Area C, and to reverse the worsening of living conditions for Palestinians in Area C.