
A demonstration in Chicago, USA, in solidarity with our people, against the storming of Al-Aqsa

Hundreds of members of the Palestinian community and supporters of the Palestinian right participated in a large demonstration in downtown Chicago, Illinois, USA, in response to a call for solidarity with Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Palestinian people, and to condemn the daily Israeli crimes.

The demonstration was called by the Coalition for Justice in Palestine, a coalition of supporters of Palestinian rights in the state of Illinois.

The demonstration toured the main streets of the city of Chicago after the city police were forced to close Michigan Avenue, the main artery of the city, due to the influx of supporters of the Palestinian right on foot and in vehicles that toured the city carrying Palestinian flags and signs in English condemning the aggression.

During the demonstration, speeches were delivered by representatives of the solidarity movements and members of the Afro-American and Latino minorities, in addition to a keynote speech on behalf of the Alliance for Justice in Palestine delivered by the political activist “Osama Nasser” in which he thanked the attendees and said, “What we see today and in the past few weeks are war crimes, not against the Palestinian people.” Not only are they crimes against humanity as a whole, which is shameful. This occupation commits them in disregard of all international covenants, customs and laws that call for the protection of any people under occupation.”

He called on the international community, led by the US government, to move away from the policy of double standards and to put pressure on the occupying power to stop war crimes against Palestinian citizens and to impose sanctions on them.

He called on the United Nations organizations, the International Red Cross and human rights organizations to raise their voice and put pressure on the apartheid regime and its settlers to stop the policies of assassination, field execution, arrest and crimes, and to work to provide international protection for the Palestinian people. Hundreds of worshipers and seclusion seekers inside the mosque brutally handcuffed and arrested them, as well as breaking the doors of the mosque and smashing windows brutally and deliberately.

He added that this crime confirms Israel’s disavowal of its commitments and commitments that it made in the so-called understandings between it and Jordan, which included clear clauses to respect the legal status of Al-Aqsa Mosque and not to carry out any provocations against worshipers.

He warned that this new aggression, which was planned by Itamar Ben Gvir, with the support of Netanyahu, to consecrate Israeli sovereignty over Al-Aqsa Mosque, adds fuel to the fire and will have serious repercussions that the occupation authorities will bear.

He denounced the policy of administrative detention, calling for the abolition of the administrative detention law and forcing Israel to comply with the decisions of international legitimacy, stressing support for the struggle of the Palestinian people for self-determination and the establishment of their independent state. He stressed the importance of participating in vigils to highlight the suffering of our people and expose the practices of the Israeli occupation.

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