The Ministry of Health confirmed two more deaths overnight by Israeli army gunfire in Jenin, which raises the total killed in the two-days of Israeli army incursion into the northern West Bank city of Jenin to 10, as thousands of Palestinian civilians were forced by the Israeli soldiers to leave their homes in Jenin refugee camp and take shelter elsewhere in the city.
The director of Jenin Government Hospital, Wisam Bakr, said Mustafa Nidal Qassem, 17, was delivered dead by the Israeli soldiers after he was taken wounded yesterday.
The Red Crescent said the body of another Palestinian was found this morning in the fields apparently shot last night by the soldiers.
Eight Palestinians ranging in age between 16 and 23 years were killed yesterday and over 100 were wounded, including 20 in critical condition, when hundreds of Israeli soldiers backed by warplanes, drones and tanks attacked Jenin.
Meanwhile, the Israeli army last night forced hundreds of families to evacuate their homes in Jenin refugee camp and move elsewhere in the city.
Residents said soldiers broke into their homes and told them to leave the camp because they are going to shell it.
Entire families, including old people and children, were seen leaving their homes and seeking shelter in a nearby hospital or in other centers prepared for them by the Jenin municipality.
In some cases, the soldiers threw tear gas grenades at the fleeing civilians, causing panic and cries among the children.